1:1 Mentoring

Yoga & Business Mentoring Possibilities

Yoga Teacher Mentoring

Are you feeling a little stuck and uncertain in your practice and teaching, do you need some fresh ideas and inspiration to continue on the path as a yoga teacher? Do you have a question about your practice? Are you wondering what's the next step for you? Are you looking to boost your yoga practice and personal development?

Sometimes even experienced yoga teachers and practitioners can benefit from the perspective of an experienced mentor.

My teacher mentor programme can help you uncover what is stopping you from being the best leader and teacher you can be. It will help you to develop confidence and rediscover your voice so that you are best able to share your practice and teachings with your students.

Sandey has 13 years of experience as a yoga teacher, over 25 years of creating unique business models in the wellness and yoga world and 8 years as a teacher of teachers. She has an innate ability to bring out the best in others and a passion to see them shine.


  • Process of self-enquiry to uncover any stories or beliefs that are limiting growth 

  • Teaching tips for asana, pranayama and meditation

  • How to incorporate practices beyond asana into your classes

  • How best to work with private clients

  • Teaching brand new beginners

  • Teaching mixed-level classes

  • Pricing your services

  • Community outreach possibilities

  • Creating retreats or workshops


Investment: One to one teacher mentoring 

First session $150 (1 hour 15mins)

Subsequent sessions: $100 per hour


3 months: one session (one hour) per week ($1100)

6 months: one session (one hour) per week ($2000)

12 month Teacher Training mentor program. Become a 200hr RYT over the course of a year. 

Requires approximately 17 hours per month of study, lectures, practice and reading ($6000)

One to One Business Mentoring 

My offerings are about empowering you to find your own answers, to trust yourself in the process of all areas of your life, through support and guidance in specific areas that are my areas of knowledge, education and experience. 

What stops or limits you from achieving your desires/goals?

What is the limiting belief that holds you back?

What would it feel like if you achieved your dream?

Where do you see yourself in the near future? 

One of the areas that we can work with is the 'inner critic' and underlying belief systems around where there is frustration, anger, grief etc. Not to suppress these emotions, but to fully embrace them and allow them to be digested, devoured and dissolved in a healthy, compassionate, aware way. Also, to establish a healthy relationship with your thought processes, emotions and beliefs. To build strength and stability in your body so that you feel physically stronger, more stable and steady. When the body is made strong and steady so then the mind follows. 

Some of the tools I utilise in the work of finding a more balanced, connected, healthy relationship with the whole self:

  • Breath work

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Yoga therapy 

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Working with sensation and somatic experience (felt sense of what is happening for you) in the body via a guided process of awareness and allowing emotions to arise and move through. 

I also offer body work, massage therapy, myofascial release as a way to help support the process. I will not do any thing without first consulting with you and getting full consent. 



First session $150 (1 hour 15mins)

Subsequent sessions: $120 per hour


3 months: one session (one hour) fortnightly ($1200)

6 months: one session (one hour) fortnightly ($2200)